The first MW3 Ranked Multiplayer Box Art

The first MW3 Ranked Multiplayer

Last Updated:

The first

Skill Rating

Last Session

Matches Played
Skill Rating Gained

Matches Played

SR Gain/Loss Distribution

Match History

DateTimeMatch SRSkill Rating
8/8/20249:39:00 AM-3413245
8/8/20249:45:01 AM-3413211
8/8/20249:54:01 AM-3713174
8/8/202410:03:00 AM-3713137
8/8/202410:09:00 AM-3813099
8/8/202410:18:00 AM-4013059
8/8/202410:24:01 AM-4013019
8/8/202410:33:01 AM-4112978
8/8/202410:42:01 AM-4412934
8/8/202410:48:00 AM-4812886
8/8/202410:57:00 AM-5112835
8/8/202411:06:00 AM-5312782
8/8/202411:12:00 AM-5612726
8/8/202411:21:01 AM-5712669
8/8/202411:27:01 AM-3012639
8/8/202411:36:00 AM-4312596
8/8/202411:45:01 AM-4412552
8/8/202411:57:00 AM-5412498
8/8/202412:03:01 PM-5012448
8/8/202412:15:01 PM-10012348
8/8/202412:27:01 PM-4612302
8/8/202412:33:00 PM-5612246
8/8/202412:42:01 PM-5612190
8/8/202412:51:00 PM-5912131
8/8/202412:57:00 PM-5812073
8/8/20241:06:00 PM-5312020

Data source: WZ Ranked calculations derived from changes in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III in-game leaderboards.

Data is updated every 3 minutes.